'Victory' 1 of 10
The Winds are Blowing, 'The Shadow of Men' MCAD, 2018 'Victory' 2 of 10
The Light Bearer, 'VICTORY', Galerie du Jour, 2017 'Victory' 3 of 10
Victory, Exhibition view I 'Victory' 4 of 10
Victory, Exhibition view II 'Victory' 5 of 10
Victory, Exhibition view III 'Victory' 6 of 10
Collecting Bodies, 2017 — 18" x 24 " 'Victory' 7 of 10
Brothers I, 2017 — 18" x 24" 'Victory' 8 of 10
This Is Darkness, 2017 — 60" x 60" 'Victory' 9 of 10
Victory (triptych), 2017 — 180" x 84" 'Victory' 10 of 10
Virgins, 2017 — 72" x 72"
This show explores the hedonistic triumphs of those who recognize themselves as victorious in the unfolding mirror of history. Their right to pleasure hinges on their projection of pain onto the unvictorious other. This often expresses itself in pleasure derived from the misfortune of the defeated. As the winners display their hubris and take their trophies the losers are left insignificant and marginalized. VICTORY explores one mans victory over another, what that victory looks like and the result that victory has on the losers.
“There is no document of civilization that is not at the same time a document of barbarism.”
― Walter Benjamin